Start a new post and respond to the following prompt:
Find an online newspaper article concerning a local politician's role in a recent policy change or debate. Describe the issue as you understand it. Do you agree with the politician's decision regarding the issue? What does this article tell you about this politician's role in local government? Does the language or tone of the article reveal anything about the writer's political stance?Guidelines for Microtheme post:
- Use the title and author of your article as your post title. Put a link at the end of your post if you think it will be hard to find using google.
- Your post should not be longer than 200 words (approximately the size of the posting box without scrolling using the default text).
- Space is limited: plan your words carefully. Decide what the most important details are and write accordingly. Be pithy! This assignment is graded both on your understanding of your research (8/10 points) and your ability to write within the parameters of the assignment (2/10 points)
- You may use as many labels as you want for your post, but please also label your post "Microtheme."
This assignment is due no later than Sunday night at 9:00pm CST so I have time to look through and comment before class.
See you on Monday,
See you on Monday,
- Mr. Lundberg